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GAZ Truck Manuals PDF & Wiring Diagrams

GAZ 69 Parts Catalogue en fr
GAZ 69 Parts Catalogue en fr
GAZ 69 Parts Catalogue en fr.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.5 MB
GAZ 3309 Wiring Diagram
GAZ 3309 ewd
compressed file archive 720.2 KB
GAZ 69 Tech Manual en
GAZ 69 Tech Manual en
GAZ 69 Tech Manual en.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.2 MB

GAZ 69 1956 Owner Manual
GAZ 69 1956 Owner Manual
GAZ 69 1956 Owner Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.8 MB
GAZ 69M und 69AM Betriebsanleitung ohne Druckeroptimierung
GAZ 69M und 69AM Betriebsanleitung ohne Druckeroptimierung
GAZ 69M und 69AM Betriebsanleitung ohne
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.1 MB
GAZ 69_wiring diagram
gaz 69_schema
gaz 69_schema.jpg
JPG Image 297.8 KB
GAZ 3302 2705

Review of GAZ AA Trucks

Some GAZ Truck Manuals PDF & Wiring Diagrams  above the page - 69, 3309.


The Gorky Automobile Plant in 1932 produced its debut GAZ-AA truck - a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons. The Ford Model AA served as the basis for the creation of the GAZ-AA.


The truck was produced from 1932 to 1950. In total, 985 thousand units were produced during this time. It is not surprising that GAZ-AA has become one of the most popular trucks in the history of the USSR.


GAZ-AA was created according to the classical scheme, using a frame chassis and spring suspension. The engines of these trucks were so unpretentious that they used ligroin as fuel, and even kerosene in the summer.

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